Reforestation: Beyond Planting Trees

Reforestation: Beyond Planting Trees

Reforestation plays a vital role in local economies and employment opportunities, while also being a cornerstone of sustainable forest management. Although planting trees is a major—and often challenging—part of reforestation efforts, it’s by no means the whole story.

1. Pre-harvest: Before harvesting even begins, detailed plans are developed to determine prescriptions for the removal and subsequent growth of the forest.

2. Seedlings: Up to two years before planting, conversations begin with a reforestation nursery about ordering seed and the timing for sowing and delivery.

3. Pre-treatment: After seedlings have been ordered and harvesting is complete, pre-treatment measures help prepare the ground for planting, ensuring new trees have just the right amount of water, nutrients and sunlight.

4. Planting plan: A planting plan outlines which tree varieties to plant, the required spacing between each tree, and the requirement (or not) for browse guards (to protect from deer or elk browse).

5: Monitoring: Ongoing stand tending monitors seedling survival, fill planting if necessary, and brush control.

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